Practice Ways to Get BACK TO YOU

You deserve to be back on the priority list every week!

After a lifetime of hustling and dedicating your time & energy to everyone and everything... it is time to practice ways to get back to you. Let us guide you by engaging in collective wisdom conversations, exploring challenges, progressing through guided online courses, reflection tools and so much more! You will be inspired and supported by the amazing women navigating change alongside you.  

I am ready to practice

Are you ready for your next chapter in LYFE?

LYFE... Loving Yourself Forward Everyday is an essential step towards your well-being, feeling motivated, and improving your relationships. And it takes intentional practice.

A perspective from one of our members...

"I have great empathy and compassion for others but not always myself. Being still and focusing in the moment, yields information about what I am feeling and thinking and reacting to the world around me. I don't HAVE to be or do it all to perfection all the time."

How we can help:

We work together to evolve the vision we have for our present & future, integrate the changes necessary, share our unique perspectives & wisdom, and ultimately... grant ourselves permission to prioritize OUR needs!

I am ready for my next chapter...

It is time to let go of...

  • Feeling alone or lost
  • Connecting with the wrong people
  • Lacking direction and fulfillment


It is time to prioritize yourself...

  • Connect to women with diverse experiences
  • Foster personal accountability
  • Feel motivated, inspired and supported
I am ready to prioritize myself

What our members have to say...

For me, joining with other women in a brief weekly conversation has helped me feel welcomed and that I belong.  The amazing thing is that being with women I have (mostly) never met has opened my eyes to our common goal of being well, healing, enjoying, and discovering what is next for each of us on our life journeys.  I leave our meetings at the end of the week with a sense of settled peace in that as we help each other, we are each furthering our own growth.  It is not a solo journey that we are on.  It's a community of very amazing women.

I love, love, love checking in with this community of phenomenal women to share laughs, struggles, successes, and ideas on how we can all LYFE. Really, we are meeting to Love Each Other Forward Everyday. I walk away with ideas, more compassion for and a deeper understanding of myself, and a sense of being held by and with a community of phenomenal women.

This is one of the highlights of my week. I love the Friday morning meetup calls. And I love them for a few reasons. One is the genuine, heartfelt conversations with tangible tools that we can utilize right away.  The second is a protected place. We share laughs, we share hurtles, we share real-life solutions - in all life areas.  And the third one is the connection. I really feel connected to these women and that the women are connected to me and that is both reinforced on the call and offline as we get to know each other.

You are in the right place!

Our community focuses on:

  • implementing a vision & staying accountable
  • practicing ways to love ourselves forward
  • strengthening connection (ourselves / others)
  • nourishing the body, mind & spirit
  • receiving & giving support
  • honoring & moving our bodies
  • navigating transitions & change 
  • feeling it all
  • being mindful & present
Join Us!
I want to learn more about the topics you explore

Your Membership Includes:

Activity Challenges

Fun Exploration 4x per Month

Get curious, gain a different perspective and experiment in a fun way. Journal out to thoughtful prompts, swap tips (and recipes), get quiet & connect to yourself, or learn something new. Share your outcome with the group! (check out our past topics here)


Ask the Group

Private Group Chat - Mobile App or Desktop

Ask the group a question, for encouraging words of wisdom or share a favorite hack that makes you smile or life just a little bit easier...

Collaboration & Connection

Weekly Virtual Calls

This is real talk about what we live & love... where we share our personal perspectives & wisdom, get curious and embrace meaningful connection with some amazing women.

(check out our past topics here)

Bold Moves In LYFE

Transition Stories & Inspiration

Our members face a wide variety of bold transitions or wake-up calls in life... from moving abroad, learning new fulfilling passions, starting businesses, navigating aging parents, surviving life-threatening disease, parenting teenagers and so much more! We share what we learned, how we love ourselves forward through them and answer your questions!

Create Your LYFE Blueprint

On Demand Course & Planner

Sharpen your vision with a clear blueprint, align your actions with intentionality each week and get ready to celebrate your wins! To create the life you want, you need to create your map, setup the accountability and define your support system.

Energize, Release & Reset

On Demand Course

Deepen your understanding of your energy, well-being, inner critic, what gets in your way and more. These are insightful pieces of your story and inform what is important to you moving forward.

Reconnect with LYFE

Quarterly On-Demand or Zoom Virtual Workshop

Reconnect on keeping your vision alive for the next 12 weeks... participate in a group check-in, engage in exercises, share and celebrate collectively our wins to-date (no matter how small), and much more! Details will be emailed out prior and registration is required. The next live virtual workshop, Your Summer Chapter, is scheduled for June 2024.


Expand Your Network & Collaborate

  • 2x Monthly HUBS Referral Network Call*
  • 4th Annual Good to Greatness Movement*
  • Slow Down to Move Ahead Course
  • Master Class with Hubs Owner
  • Member directory, all HUBS*

*LYFE Connection Collective is 1 of 4 accredited licensees of HUBSCollective™. Each functions independently with its’ own members, focus and content. Collectively, we provide specific calls and opportunities for all members to expand connections, collaborate and access leadership training. 


*If you are one of the first 15 people to sign up and pay for your membership, you will receive an email with a 100% coupon to forward to a friend.  This is a great way to set yourself up for success and growth by having an accountability partner on this journey with you.

The email with your coupon would come from LoveME Healing.

We have 2 membership options to help you personalize your desired experience and focus.  We offer these distinct tiers to ensure that you can find what resonates with where you are in your life and career.

The LYFE Connection is ideal for women who are committed to making themselves a priority. This membership grants you full access to our core offerings listed below. It's tailored to empower you in consistently showing up for yourself, fostering your own personal practice of Loving Yourself Forward Everyday within a nurturing community of supportive, like-minded women.

The LYFE Connection Collective is tailored for women who seek to focus on both their personal with professional growth. This level includes all the benefits of Tier 1, plus exclusive access to additional business and leadership development opportunities. Members benefit from an expanded community and networking ability with the The HubsCollective™. 

Customize your membership to suit your personal needs, desired focus and fluctuating schedule. Our courses are available on-demand, and all sessions are recorded, providing round-the-clock access to any you're unable to attend live.

Tier 1 - Personal Growth


The LYFE Connection

  • Create the Blueprint to Sharpen Your Vision & Align Your Actions
  • Integrate Intention With a Downloadable Full-Year Planner
  • Engage in meaningful Conversations in our Connect & Collaborate Calls - Weekly
  • Practice & Experiment With LYFE with Activity Challenges - Weekly
  • Be Inspired to Try New Things & Know You Are Not Alone Through The Shared Stories of Members and Their Bold Moves in LYFE – Monthly Speaker Series
  • Expand Your Personal Growth Through Exclusive On-Demand Courses and Reflection Tools
  • Be Intentional in The Seasons of Life With Our Quarterly Reconnect Workshops 

Click here If you would rather pay monthly: $75/mo 

Sign me up for Tier 1

Tier 2 - Personal & Professional Growth


The LYFE Connection 'Collective'

Everything from Tier 1 PLUS...

  • Active Referral Network Calls - Twice Monthly 
  • Masterclass with Inspirational Leaders to transform your business focus from Good to Greatness (include mind & heart)
  • Expand your network with exclusive access to a Member directory, all HUBS*

*LYFE Collective is 1 of 4 accredited licensees of HUBSCollective™. Each functions independently with its’ own members, focus and content. Collectively, we provide specific calls and opportunities for all members to expand connections, collaborate and access leadership training. 

Click here if you wish to pay in 3 installments: 3x$399

Sign me up for Tier 2

Imagine a Life Aligned with Your True Intentions

It is so much easier to stay on track to your vision when you are surrounded by women that encourage and inspire you. As part of your membership, you will access the Create Your LYFE Blueprint on-demand course. A step further is to engage in our weekly calls about all things related to LYFE. Our members like to connect with one another for accountability too.

To learn more about the Create Your LYFE Blueprint program click the button below.

Create Your LYFE Blueprint
